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Dr. Miriam Torres Brinkmann

About Me

It really inspires me when a couple makes an effort for their relationship to improve, when they are ready to reconnect, to become friends again, to find the magic that once was. When they realized they haven’t prioritize each other and they are ready to change course and take the relationship to the next level, to a love life worth having.


I have always been fascinated about human relations and always wanted to understand what makes some relationships happy and everlasting and why others don’t make it. And what I know for sure after all these years, is that as much as I am a Beatles’ fan,  it’s not true that Love is All you Need. Love is a good starting point, but you need a lot more. You need friendship, respect, communication, meaning, connection, time… and a few more tools than just love for a flourishing relationship.


My career is devoted to help you achieve that flourishing relationship. I work with couples who what to learn new ways to deal with conflict, to be best friends again, to reconnect emotionally, or to heal after an affair. And also I work with couples who are starting the path together and want to get it right.


I get how much you want to enjoy your relationship again or how much you want to start this one with a good solid foundation so you won’t repeat the mistakes of the past ones and that is why I do the work I do.


My Story and Credentials

My name is Miriam Torres Brinkmann and I am originally from Spain where I worked as a journalist before I moved to San Diego, CA, in 2007. I have a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, both from San Diego University for Integrative Studies. I would say that the backbone of all these, the base for my doctoral dissertation and the theoretical engine of my practice is Positive Psychology, which is the scientific study of the strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive. I like to apply Positive Psychology to relationships.


I also have extensive education in couples’ therapy. I have completed the Gottman Method Couples Therapy Levels I and II, intensive training in the theory, treatment process and interventions of Emotionally Focused Therapy with couples, I am a certified Discernment Counselor, Prepare and Enrich provider, and I have completed countless seminar and workshops on the topic of couples’ therapy.


Because I come from another culture I have the luxury to understand better the dynamics with cross-cultural couples, like mine.


And when I am not transforming relationships, I very much enjoy my own with my husband and life partner, Peter, and our beloved Chihuahua, Bebe.​

My Philosophy

Connection, Well-being and Inspiration, this is the motto of my practice.

The three words have a very important meaning for me.


I believe love is about connection, we cannot live a fulfilled, happy life without being connected to others, it can be a spouse, a child, a family member, a pet, a friend, God, all of them.... There is no better feeling that the feeling of being connected to others and nothing worse than being disconnected. 

“I define connection as the energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgment; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.” 
― Brené Brown


Well-being is the second pilar of my practice. For well-being we understand what the positive psychology movement calls subjective well-being, or more recently Flourish, that is, an umbrella term that contains the many elements that make a life a good life, a happy life, a life worth living. Those englobe meaning, relationships, feelings of fulfillment, self-esteem, joy, engagement, positive emotions, accomplishment, enjoyment… And always is the client who makes the evaluation. I am here to help our clients achieve the highest level of well-being.


The Oxford Dictionary defines Inspiration as “The process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.”

When was last time you felt inspired? What does inspire you?

I believe inspiration is  the fuel to a life worth living, to motivation, to love. I want to inspire you and to help you find inspiration in your daily life.

y biggest passion is empowering individuals and couples, helping them to find their strengths, to reconnect with themselves and others and to improve their lives and relationships.

My ideal client is someone who is willing to improve and ready to work on themselves. Whether you come alone or with your partner, you will get the most of our work together if you are willing to look into your own blocks and triggers that are preventing you from showing up in your relationships as your best self. 


Because there is nothing more rewarding and fulfilling than feeling connected to another, I want to help you to create a lasting, worth living relationship.


My clients include couples, who come to see me at different stages of their relationship, from premarital to discernment counseling and everything in between, and adult individuals with relationship issues that they want to solve.

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